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Black women treated for high blood pressure in their 30s and 40s may face a substantially higher risk for having a stroke than their peers without a history of high blood pressure treatment, 新的研究表明.

的 发现 showed Black women under 35 who were treated for high blood pressure, 也被称为高血压, 患中风的风险是原来的三倍, and those who developed the condition before age 45 had double the risk.

发现, which will be presented next week at the 美国中风协会's International Stroke Conference in Phoenix, are considered preliminary until full results are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

"This research was motivated by the glaring disparity I have seen in my own practice,首席研究员Dr. 雨果J. 阿帕里西奥在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. He is an associate professor of neurology at Boston University Chobanian & 阿维德医学院. "Strokes are occurring at younger ages among my patients who identify as Black and among women. 早发性中风, 尤其是中年人, is even more tragic because these patients often have families or are caretakers for sick family members."

Stroke at a younger age also "is associated with an increased risk of dying, as well as a burden of physical disability that creates many problems for stroke survivors and their families,他说.

美国黑人成人高血压发病率.S. 是世界上最高的,根据 美国心脏协会统计数据. 在美国,大约58%的黑人女性是男性.S. 有高血压, 相比之下,43%的白人女性是这样, 38%的亚洲女性和35%的西班牙女性.

新的分析使用了来自美国的自我报告数据 黑人妇女健康研究该项目在全美招募了5.9万名黑人女性.S. in 1995. 在长达23年的随访中,3.2%的参与者发生了中风.

Black women who started treatment for high blood pressure between ages 24 and 34 were three times more likely to have a stroke than those with no history of hypertension. 那些在45岁之前接受治疗的人中风的风险增加了一倍多. If treatment started between 45 and 64 years old, the increased risk of stroke was 69%.

"We expected to see an association between having high blood pressure at a younger age and having a stroke during midlife and later life,阿帕里西奥说. “然而, we were surprised and concerned to see the magnitude of the relationship, especially for women who were taking antihypertension medications before age 35."

He said the 发现 were especially striking because the researchers had accounted for important factors that could have affected the results. 的se included smoking, body weight, diabetes status and neighborhood socioeconomic status. Researchers also adjusted for people living in certain regions of the U.S. 哪里中风更常见,哪里中风死亡率更高, mainly clustered in the "stroke belt" that includes the Southeast area.

Many factors may contribute to the early development of high blood pressure in Black women, Dr. 米歇尔一. 阿尔伯特在沙巴足球体育平台稿中说. 艾伯特没有参与这项研究,他是沃尔特A. Haas-Lucie Stern Endowed Chair in Cardiology and a professor of medicine at the University of California, 旧金山.

"An understudied component is the cumulative impact of multiple psychosocial stressors that likely disproportionately affect Black women compared to women from other racial and ethnic groups regardless of socioeconomic status,”艾伯特说。. "的 impact of these stressors also likely will affect the ability of Black women to receive and maintain holistic care."

Aparicio said he hopes health care professionals pay more attention to high blood pressure screening and treatment for Black women over their entire lives. "Health care policy changes are needed so that primary prevention is promoted and funded because by the time a Black woman has a stroke at middle age, 但往往为时已晚,他说.


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